How to get Involved
Do I have the right attitude?
The modern-day Arizona Rangers provide a unique opportunity for you to be a part of a historic organization while giving back to the community. Arizona Rangers, by nature are humble, come prepared, are well trained and are always willing to help.
Am I fit for the duties performed by the Arizona Rangers?
Duties as an Arizona Ranger vary greatly. Rangers are often asked to assist law enforcement agencies on various duties that may require Rangers to perform walking patrols of an assigned area or facility. You will be wearing full duty gear in the sun during the Arizona summer or during inclement weather. Duties may require occasionally working on your feet in excess of 8 hours.
Do I have the time?
Arizona Rangers are expected to attend monthly company meetings and meet monthly duty hour minimums. The requirement is 8 hours of duty work per month, in addition to monthly training and business meetings. Expect to spend at least 10+ hours a month on Ranger activities and meetings.
Can I afford it?
As an all-volunteer organization, individuals who join the Arizona Rangers receive no monetary compensation or reimbursements for their service. Rangers provide their own uniforms, duty gear, weapons, and ammunition. They are responsible for their own transportation to duty locations anywhere in the State.
How to get involved
The following is a summary of the minimum requirements for admission into the Arizona Rangers. Requirements beyond those indicated below will be identified during the recruitment and probationary periods.
Be at least 21 years of age with no criminal history
Reside in Arizona for at least six (6) months of the calendar year
Hold a valid Arizona Concealed Weapon Permit (CWP) permit
Subscribe to the mission and objectives of the Arizona Rangers
Successful completion of a background check and oral board
Meet physical fitness requirements
Graduate from the Arizona Ranger Training Academy
Should I join Madera Company?
Madera Company proudly serves Sahuarita, Green Valley, and the immediate surrounding southern Arizona region. We seek new members that reside in the area that we serve. If you are located outside of this area but are still interested in joining the Arizona Rangers, please visit the Companies page of the Arizona Rangers website to locate another state company.
Live in our region and ready to contact us?
If you are interested in volunteering your time to assist law enforcement agencies as well as serve your community and can answer yes to these questions, we encourage you to learn more about what it takes to become an Arizona Ranger by filling out the form below or contact our Recruiter Sgt Lathen at 208-596-1694 or email at madera.recruiting@azrangers.us